Saturday, January 12, 2013

Liam's Surgery

Liam's glasses to help his cross eyes did not work, so he had to have surgery on both his eyes to correct the crossing.  We scheduled this the week before christmas so that we could get it done in SLC, and then have some time off for Christmas so that he could recoup up in SLC. We also wanted to do this before the end of the year so that we had to pay less for it since we already met our deductible this year.

Chris was not able to get work off until the day after the surgery. Luckily both sets of Grandparents were able to be there for the surgery.

The night before the surgery Liam was allowed to have formula until midnight and juice until 4 am, but then nothing after that. Liam usually sleeps through the night, but I woke him up at 11:00 and 3:30 to feed him. He was very upset that i did this, until I put the bottle in his mouth, then he was very very happy.

We had to be at the surgery center at 6:20 am and his surgery was scheduled to start at 7:30. I was excited it was so early because that meant that Liam wouldn't be too hungry before the surgery started, also I just wanted to get it over with. I didn't sleep much the night before anyway. 
Liam's cross eyes before surgery
We got there and a doctor checked him out to make sure he was fit for surgery. He passed with flying colors. They then had him change into his surgery jammies. These were way to big for him, but he looked super cute in them anyway.

Liam and Papa

Everyone could not believe how happy Liam was.  They said usually they deal with cranky, hungry babies all day.  I told them I was just blessed with a very happy baby. 

Last look at those adorable little cross eyes
We then waited in the waiting room for the Doctors to get ready for the surgery. They had tons of toys for Liam to play with, books to read, and Little Einsteins on the TV.  Finally the anesthesiologist came to take Liam to surgery. I asked if I could go back with him until he fell asleep. At first he said I could not, but then he changed his mind and said I could come and look through the window of the OR door until he fell asleep.  So I carried Liam back to the OR, handed him over to the anesthesiologist, and tried my hardest not to cry. Liam started crying when they put him on the table, but after 2 seconds of the gas mask he fell asleep. The anesthesiologist gave me the thumbs up and a smile.  I then went out into the waiting room where my dad, DaRese, and Gary were waiting. My mom was not allowed to be there because she had a sore throat.  We talked and waited and about 40 minutes later my name was called to come back. It was all over.

Liam drinking some much needed juice
This was what I saw when I was lead back to see my baby boy. He was just sitting drinking some juice as if nothing was wrong. I was so proud of him. What a trooper. The nurses warned me that as soon as he tried to open his eyes he would start crying, and he did. He cried and cried and cried for about 30 minutes.  His nurse gave him some Lortab about half way through. As soon as that kicked in Liam fell back asleep and looked like a little angel.
Sleeping after the Lortab kicked in
He slept for about another hour and when he woke up he was fine. He just looked around and even smiled. My Dad, DaRese, and Gary took turns coming back to visit him, and then the nurses then said he could take him home. So we got him dressed and walked him out to the car. It was about 10:30.  We were only at the hospital for 4 hours.

Getting dressed after surgery
I have to take one minute to say how great the staff was. We had Liam's surgery done at the Riverton Hospital's Primary Children's Outpatient Surgery Center. Every one was wonderful! From the moment I walked in the door everyone was so helpful and made me feel at ease.  I loved all of them.  Even the cleaning lady came in when Liam was crying and gave him a toy that made music. She wanted to help him. Everyone went above and beyond the call of duty and I am so thankful for all of them.

We went home and Liam slept most of the first day, but when he was awake he was his normal self. I really was amazed how quickly he recovered. 

We went to the Doctor's office the day after surgery and everyone was so amazed that his eyes looked so good. The Doctor said the surgery went perfectly and his eyes looked perfect. That was so good to hear.  Liam does not have to wear his glasses anymore, unless his eyes start turning in again.  So far his eyes look great and there are no sign of turning.

I am so glad we did this surgery as early as we did.  What they do it take the muscle on the inside of the eye and move it back. That was the eye isn't being pulled in as much.  They said we could wait to do it until he was older, but if we did he might loose depth perception or even some vision in one eye.  If we did it early like we did there is a greater chance that he may have to have another surgery later in life.  To me there was no other option.  I want him to have the best vision he can have. Even if it means going through this all over again in a couple of years, but hopefully, with how good the results are, we won't have to.

Liam's eyes the day of surgery

Liam driving Papa's car 2 days post op