Sunday, November 2, 2014

Family pictures 2014

We had such an interesting time doing family pictures.

Liam was completely wound up and would not sit still for a minute to get a picture

This one we both grabbed him as he was running by.

Chris and I had fun trying to get me up in the tree

Liam decided he wanted to be in this picture.

Love each other so much!!

Fiona loved having her picture taken!

Fiona loves her daddy!

She was all smiles

Pretty much the whole day. Chasing this crazy boy around.

I was tickling Liam's leg.

Liam kept looking at the camera and saying "No not cheese"

So we got him to say "Big Sharks!"

Love this one!

Definitely one of my favorites.

Our friend Laura Weeks took these and I think she did amazing!!!
Love my sweet little family.

Liam fun at 2

Liam loves to color.

He will grab the crayons and say "Draw big sharks"

"Draw kweah wah" (killer whale)

He helps sometimes too.

So excited to color.

He also loves making eggs.

He will crack the eggs on the counter then hand it to me to put in the bowl.

Then he will whisk them until he thinks they are ready to cook.

He is such a smart boy and we love him so much.

Fiona's First Bite

Fiona showed an interest in solid food quite early.  At four months she was grabbing our food and putting it in her mouth.   So we decided to let her try some cereal.
Patiently waiting for food

Happy brother.

She loved it! She grabbed the spoon to try and shove it in her mouth faster.

She swallowed every bite.  Then when the bowl was empty she cried.  She loves solid food